$375 -Earlybird Active member - Expires August 1,2024
$400- Active member
$300 - New member (includes Curling 101 a $200 value)
$50 - Junior (less than 21 years)
$50 - Social Member
$25 - Locker
$235 - Half Season Membership (3 Consecutive months)
$800 - Family, 2 adults plus 2 children, (additional children $50 each)
$600 - Family-New Member, 2 adults plus 2 children, (additional children $50 each)
$300 - Single Family-New Member, 1 adult plus 2 children (additional children $50 each)
$200 - Curling 101
Benefits of Membership
- Economical, low-impact, life-long healthy cardiovascular activity.
- The social aspect of curling is as important as the play. Members are encouraged to stay after the games to socialize with the other players and to participate in social events.
- Meet other members of your community.
- Members may curl in one or more leagues and in-house bonspiels.
- Various opportunities occur to play in out-of-town bonspiels.
- Membership in Curling Quebec and the Canadian Curling Association
- Bar service available at competitive prices.